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Sewer Repair

repair / site utilities

Plumbing Services: Sewer Repair & Site Utilities

A sewer backup can be a devasting blow to homeowners and businesses.  If you have a sewer issue, you need an experienced and ethical plumber by your side. 


Our experts at OCB Plumbing have seen old clay pipes crumble with time and pressure.  We’ve seen sewer lines with tree root issues.  We’ve seen cast iron pipes slip from ground settling and we’ve seen sewer issues you don’t want to talk about.


Whatever it is you’re experiencing, our plumbers are here to help. In some cases, your sewer issues may not be as bad as they appear.  We can run a camera through the line and find out exactly what is going on with your sewer system. 


"Finding and solving your plumbing problems at a fair and honest price!"

Request Sewer Plumbing Services

Thank you for contacting OCB Plumbing. We will be in touch very soon.

"Omaha Council Bluffs Plumbing now has a new customer for life!   OCB Plubing company came out and went so above and beyond I had to hold back tears."  - Jessica Ann C.


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